Selective pallet racking is a modification that the double deep pallet racking system and is best understood in comparison to it. Two single rows of pallet racks are arranged back-to-back in selective pallet racking. However, four single rows of pallet racks are placed back-to-back in double-deep racking. As a result, only the two rows of pallets facing the aisle are immediately accessible, making the deep double pallet rack a first-in, last-out (FILO) pallet rack system.
Each racking system is developed specifically for a particular application. While some are best suited to medium volumes and high product turnover, others are designed for high storage racking capacities and low product turnover. For warehouses with high storage density needs, the double deep pallet racking system, for example, is perfect for maximising space usage. One solution that is now very popular is the Double deep pallet racking system. However, popularity is not crucial when choosing a warehouse storage system; more essential factors exist. Pallet rack storage systems come in various configurations; to determine if a Double deep system is right for you, you must comprehend the contexts and driving forces behind its widespread use.
We trust the size and composition of the warehouse racking, a capacity boost of up to 10-15% for pallet racking. We compared to selective pallet racking, up to 40% greater storage space. This racking system increases floor area usage by 55% by removing unnecessary lanes and freeing up storage space.